quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012

In search of Judaism's Torah Judaism believe in the people that retrieves ethically, morally, and socially, fought by example and be a blessing to social model for the world and all mankind.
The alternative communities exist around the world, in various shapes and forms and are giving an example of cooperatives, cooperative, group consciousness, organization, balance of material and spiritual planes, in order, a new model to be copied by anyone interested and attuned to these proposed life with their bases in the Torah and history of this ancient civilization.
What we show in this regard is a study done a while back to when we met to discuss alternative proposals that were happening in life and we felt at that time, and its importance so I'm transcribing to all interested parties and those who are scattered organizing or founding a community, can be used these tips in this humble friend who since 1975 is dedicated to the Brazilian Community Movement and who has lived in three communities and founded two alternatives in our country - The Village Communicating in Mato Grosso and Goiás and Fraternity has experience in the former Mother of Water in Minas Gerais, as well as visiting many groups throughout Brazil and abroad.
Hopefully this guide will serve as a support and encouragement to all those involved in the fight and alternative community, not only in our country but around the world.
Our goal and reconstruction of the community of origin ESPANO Iberian Portuguese-Brazil and the Americas.
Henceforth we will try to coach a state religion.

What is a community?
It is a group organization, rural or urban, which aims to integrate people in division of labor and goods as a viable life balanced in every way and plans, in touch with nature and giving opportunities to all its members to develop inwardly, expand their consciousness and realize the whole being in communion with the external world and society force.
The community has the opportunity to give its members a full life and true, balanced and harmonic, developing all levels, from the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, participating in social activities, cultural, artistic, educational, spiritual, therapeutic etc.
There are many types of community organization, with varying trends or eclectic and full of character.
The idea of ​​community life has existed since ancient times, always with the proposed union, fraternity and mutual aid, minimizing the difficulties of the outside world and force.
Anyway, it's a broad term, but it boils down to a human group organization that aims to find the alternatives of life, the Common Good and Realization of Being
What is the decision to form a community?
We believe that one of the major reasons of community formation is due to the "discontent" with the current system in its multiple aspects: social, economic, religious, educational, cultural and spiritual.

For the Jews, the world does not have the effect that the torah justice program, we are aware that this advent will culminate in the coming of Mashiach, but our collective mission and re-educate humanity through the teachings of our Torah sages in the example of life.
When we see a system that no longer satisfies us more, we created a parallel system to replace it and that is what we call "alternative".
Our children need a spring rain culture finde to keep our culture and traditions, thinking of the future generations and that the covenant was made with us at Sinai.
 Our values ​​are opposite from what happens externally, the search for solutions, experience with the current system knowing its shortcomings, the social and economic injustice, education intentionalist to the religious system of the most politically manipulated, etc..
The family pressure, religions and society, schools, economic necessity, the pressure commercial and industrial pollution in every sense, the lack of humanism, spirituality, lack of time for the arts, culture and internal development, and finally, a series of reasons did and do (and will) arising with alternative systems. There are many, because the community experience, namely: Community Urban - Rural Community - Community rurban - Condo Rural - Urban Condo - Condo rurban - Cooperatives - Community Associations Kibbutz Communities - Communities of Gypsies - Ecological Communities - Religious.
One of the biggest problems in changing the system is adapting to new life, which for most, should be gradual, because it impacts both for those who vai as to who stays and family aspects weigh because there's a new family for that who opted for this new way of living.
 The benefits to the world of the future are endless, because we have a more balanced and harmonious at all levels and plans, more just and humane, spiritual and socialized, educating yourself fully beings, theoretical and practically giving up kids a future of real hopes for a new and blessed life. We believe that the current system when it becomes totally obsolete and unworkable and has shown us that follow this path.
How to choose the land?
We believe it is important to limit the number of members according to the size ta land acquired, and what we think would be the minimum area of ​​30 hectares and a maximum of 500 hectares. For an area of ​​100 hectares, we find that the maximum number of members is 50 people, handily without extreme or urgent needs.
Find an area with forest reserve, fauna, flora, plantations, leisure, etc. this for a rural or agricultural. Were 2 hectares per person, for each member of the community. This is ideal for us and we believe that Brazil has room for it. Thus we avoid the human settlements that make them inhuman example of big cities and know that even the smallest. Would the idea of ​​decentralizing the major urban centers, a balance between urban and rural, the town in communion with nature, in towns and villages, village, ecological reserves, recreational areas, cultural, artistic and therapeutic practices, natural farming , spiritualism, harmonic constructions with nature and the environment, ecological landscaping, etc..
The land must be located in a safe place, preferably in mountainous place (more secure) and with no tendency for installation of industries, federal roads, mining operations, etc.. We suggest that you seek the land within the existing Ecological Poles, for example: Chapada Diamantina, Chapada dos Guimarães, Chapada dos, Pireneus, Serra Bocaina, Serra do Mar and a few others.
 Look to see that the land has water source, spring into the earth, reasonable road access, good soil fertility, and a house to start a small orchard of preference and suggest that change so plant fruit trees as much as possible.
Land registration
We think the land should be registered in the name of the group (association, foundation, cooperative, fraternity, etc.) and as a biological reserve and that in the event of termination, you pass the land for a community similar to known or (Associação Brasileira Sephardic) that would be responsible for driving the same in a similar way to the previous, and the work would continue with its goal and mission community.
 Association directs the work getting people to their continuity.
The Association serves to protect all groups and community mission in general. Each group can join the ASB or one of its through its regional area. Regional ASB. It is obvious that we have a constitution and bylaws.
The internal organization is basic and fundamental to the proper functioning of the community. The land being registered on behalf of the community creates more responsibilities and participation of its members and avoids paternalism, centralization, for possession dictatorship, etc.. See various existing statutes and see which comes closest to your case and adapt it according to the norms established by the group.
The statute must be very well done and carefully.
How to move?
A person must first accept the possibility of new life that chose it, believe it, get it, want a new life, understand it deeply, feel it on every possible level, love her heart, educate it internally, then to live it fully until you pass the SE-LA in essence and fully itself. This preparation is very important inside, after which the person is freed from the bonds of the previous life, debts, longings, family, society, etc., getting totally free, selling (if you want) and applying their assets in the community, their new life and their new home. We have to see and feel the community as our home and felt her heart pure and open, accepting it consciously. It is important that all materially assist in the construction, development and maintenance of the community to assume its share of responsibility at all levels, and plans and that its internal structure and can lead to conscious community aspect to its ideal and perfect.
Let the old life behind and live a totally new experience, once aware, without looking further back, but only forward from that decision being made and BE HAPPY.
Welcome Torah Judaism
First days on earth
Every change requires internal adaptation prior to that, then, in the physical and emotional, mental and even, there are no impacts, regrets, shock, strong obstacles, doubts, dropouts, etc.. If the person already prepared before the first day in the new life and the new location will not be difficult, but full of joy and full creativity. As more people become aware of and prepared earlier, the better to adapt to the new life, the happier will be continuity and assimilation of it. We note that the greatest problems arise from those who do not prepare. You can get a house in town to direct contact with society and with the current alternative, sending the latter, our experience and community experience towards Messianic Era
Age can and should go in the city next to contacts with the people of that society that is nevertheless also a Community proposal, although very unbalanced and personalista.A Community logo that is formed should start its work in agriculture, orchard, farm, construction, renovations, internal organization (regiment and planning), economic viability, social contact, cultural and spiritual education of children, the local ecology, reservations, etc., because every time is precious and should be well spent, for immediate application and lots of love in the hearts and minds peace, above all, with a good dose of tranquility.
Community Planning
The Community must have an organization that works with a clear and precise bylaws, subject to arouse self-discipline in every one of its members, working committees, sectors, with coordinators in each area and, if they wish, make the rotation for everyone to pass through the full experience of community, if the member wants obviously.

EVERYTHING MUST BE IN THE COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER!! Must have weekly meetings and special event needs with an urgent matter, clearly defining your goals, aims and objectives, inner search and realization of the goal higher because a community without a search higher (spiritual) usually do not develop fully and go to forward with harmony and balance, and power we adopted the suggestion to be as natural as possible, vegetarian and whole, as well as agriculture itself that keeps; develop ecological awareness at each balance at all levels through awareness expands and developed , knowledge and self-knowledge, self-realization of each of its members, since A COMMUNITY IS MADE WITH MEMBERS HAPPY HAPPY!! Targeting the Common Good to have a balanced life alternative, for a humane and just society, true to their bases and the tonic LOVE AND PEACE!!
Subsistence community
The Community should be organized internally to function externally and have livelihoods that lead to self-sufficiency in all planes. Must have varied agriculture in gardens, orchards, fields and gardens, publications, crafts, beekeeping experiences with weekend courses, house meetings in cities bazaar with products to sell, cash donations, hall forum philosophical discussions (Synagogue ), local courses and lectures, etc.. Apply donations for expansion and improvement of the community and its members, venda the excesses of free markets products in the nearest town, trade with neighboring plantations "middle" or "on Tuesday," several homemade products , participation of a whole movement, dating seminars, trips, etc..
Temple of the room courses, classroom, culture (spiritual), and outpatient pharmacy, library conference, office, sewing room or studio for crafts in general, art room, video library (if you have electricity) and sound room, workshop, kitchen and dining collective deposit or waiver, barn, ferment, living seed, dorm rooms or guest house and home to the suitors members, individual houses for residents and members fixed earlier, meeting rooms, lectures or meetings , frame bulletin board, housekeeping department, commission garden, orchard and garden, commissioned the gardens, and landscaping environments, and school education for children, contacts and communication, dissemination and alternative press (newsletters, books, pamphlets, etc. ), herbal (medicinal plants), etc.Que houses are ecological and offering a simple and cozy comfort, necessary for the welfare of all. "THE BUSINESS IS BEING PEQUENHO", so that communities have a limit of balanced population and area, because we have seen that the extremes are harmful in all its aspects and plans. Many changes are actually caused by the needs that arise and exist, giving a touch of conscience and activating for immediate action. If domestic agents do not act, the External do their part and encourage movement and evolution, growing up always to "high" for the BE.
Mordechai Moreh

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